United States Army combat veteran Michael Crean will be discussing principles of leadership he has learned on and off the battlefield. As an Army Combat Veteran, I’ve come to understand that leadership is not just a responsibility; it is a profound privilege. Through my experiences on the battlefield and as a CEO for the last 21 years, I’ve witnessed firsthand how leadership can shape destinies and bring about significant change. Leading a team of Soldiers or a team of Executives is a weighty honor, as it means being entrusted with the well-being of others. The men and women who follow a leader place their trust and faith in that individual’s decisions, knowing that their own success depends on the competence and judgment of their leader. This immense responsibility comes with the privilege of being able to make a positive impact on the lives of those under your command. Leadership is not about barking orders or seeking personal glory; it’s about guiding, inspiring, and empowering the team. The privilege of Leadership is in the ability to influence positive change, to cultivate a culture of resilience and unity, and to guide the team towards a common goal. It is witnessing the transformation of individuals into a cohesive force, working together to overcome challenges and achieve shared objectives.

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